Raglan Mine and Sudbury INO Take Home Safety Awards

posted: 03/06/2022

On May 3, 2022, our Raglan Mine was awarded the 2021 John T. Ryan National Trophy for Metal Mines for the best safety performance in Canada from the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), while Nickel Rim South Mine (NRS), part of our Sudbury INO, was awarded the 2021 John T. Ryan Regional Metal Trophy for the Province of Ontario.

Raglan Mine is taking home this prestigious Canada-wide award for the third year in a row and the fourth time since they began operations, a special way to add to their existing 25th anniversary celebrations this year. No stranger to the Ontario Regional trophy, NRS previously won the John T. Ryan Award in 2017, 2014 and 2013 demonstrating their enduring commitment to safety.

Given mining’s rich history in Canada, our sites across the country operate at industry-leading levels when it comes to safety – and they have the recognition to prove it (left: Raglan Mine; right: Nickel Rim South Mine).

These awards are a testament to our workers who bring SafeWork to life in our facilities every day. SafeWork aims to provide everyone within our business with the knowledge and tools to perform every task safely; the key message is that every individual has the authority to stop unsafe work.

We congratulate everyone involved in bringing the 2021 John T. Ryan National and Regional Trophies home and for demonstrating an outstanding commitment to becoming a safety leader in our industry, creating a workplace without fatalities, injuries or occupational diseases while underscoring our Purpose to responsibly source the commodities that advance everyday life.

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