Recycling depot

Electronics and electrical equipment contain precious metals that can be recovered and recycled.

Let’s do our part for the environment and help give these materials a second life. How? Bring all the electronics and electrical equipment you no longer use to the depot across from the smelter.

We’re an official depot for the ARPE-Quebec Recycle My Electronics program. The organization handles the collection and recycling of a wide range of electronics. See the full list of accepted products under the “What Can I Recycle?” tab of the official website.

We accept We don't accept*
Display devices** Batteries
Computers Fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs
Electronic accessories Liquids and hazardous materials
Electrical appliances Ammunition
Copper items or copper scrap Refrigerators, air conditioners, radiators, dehumidifiers


* You can dispose of these items, except ammunition, at Éco-Centre Arthur-Gagnon at 215 Marcel-Baril Avenue in Rouyn-Noranda.
** Cathode-ray televisions of over 25 in. and flat-screen televisions over 50 in. cannot be left at the depot. Please dispose of these items at Éco-Centre Arthur-Gagnon.


  • What happens to end-of-life electronics?
  • Information

    What happens to end-of-life electronics?

    Watch the video
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