SafeNickel for Shenna

posted: 02/03/2020

When she accepted the job of accommodation supervisor for which she had applied, Sheena made one request: to remain a member of Raglan Mine’s fire brigade. This says a lot about the importance that Sheena attaches to prevention and community service.

As a child, Sheena always associated emergency vehicle sirens with bad news. The attractiveness of firefighting and her wish to join a fire brigade grew gradually. In fact, she will openly share with you that, although she really enjoys her job and is becoming increasing comfortable with it, the highlight of her stays at the mine site is Saturday, the day of the week fire drills and firefighter training take place. 

"I find being a member of the firefighting team very challenging. I learn a lot of things and that gives me the opportunity to surpass myself. Often I am surprised to see that I have successfully completed a task I never thought myself capable of." 

Shenna - Accommodation Supervisor

She also appreciates the importance of teamwork.

Sheena uses her firefighting knowledge to better support her team in terms of prevention. Whether it be the importance of evacuation procedures or extinguisher inspection, she uses her experience to push forward her teammates’ reflections. At home, she has started explaining her young nephews what to do and not to do in the event of a fire. Sheena shows that prevention is no theoretical concept, but a reality of daily life, at work and off work!

"Each one of us has a role to play, and everybody’s safety rests on performing tasks in unison."

Shenna - Accommodation Supervisor